Aberrometry (Wavefront)

Aberrometer (Wavefront)

Until 5-6 years ago visual disorders had been defined as hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism. However, visual defects can now be more precisely measured currently with the rapid advancement in technology, and these measurements can be obtained as mathematical data. This technology has been approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
Aberrometer is a diagnostic tool that detects refractive errors of the human eye both objectively and qualitatively. Wavefront-Lasik or Lasek application is determined according to the results of Aberrometer.
It is possible to perform an individualized and optimized laser treatment due to cutting-edge technology and opthalmological diagnoses. All necessary data are obtained with the help of Aberrometer (it shows refractive error of the whole eye).

leylakandur_aberrometerWith Aberrometer application, light is given to the eye and the anterior waves of small optic sensors that reflect back are measured. Thus, all errors of light are calculated and a wave map is established. With this application, total refraction defect of the optic system is visualized graphically. Operator Leyla Kandur obtains data about your eye with all its specific differences and utilizes this information for individualized treatment. In this LASIK procedure supported by Aberrometer, visual ability in twilight settings can be improved. Improvement in comperative visual ability occurs.

We perform a very careful pre-examination of the eye to detect potential deformities or defects in the eye. In addition, the pupil is measured in the dark, and not only manual, but also computarized measurements are performed. We always select the largest possible area in laser treatment. This area should always be larger than the size of the pupil adapted to the dark. We always use laser with a Flying-Spot-Modus and a High-Frequenzy-Eyetracker together with a small spot up to 1mm.

Primarily, the beam is sent to the eye and accumulates right in the cornea.



A wave plane extends from the lens and cornea reflecting from this point.

This light wave which occurs is analyzed by Aberrometer: A lens system (Linsenarray) projects the light wave to CCD-Camera and the wave is calculated by a computer.
Refractive disorders are detected by intensity shifts and magnification-reduction-distortion effects of light points formed by Linsenarry ( for example, area and cylinder). Other factors which may affect the quality of reflection can also be detected.

It visualizes the eye perfectly (if there is no visual defect) and reflects the light as a flat wave plane. However, the light is reflected as an irregular wave plane, if visual defect is present.

Aberrations in the eye are not considered in correction of hypermetropia, myopia and astigmatism (as with eyeglases and contact lenses). However, in a laser treatment with Aberrometer, there is a possibility to correct aberrations as well. This application means improvement of visual ability without using eyeglasses and contact lenses.
Leyla Kandur, M.D. will inform you if you need an Aberrometer application after a detailed pre-examination.