After Lasek Operation

leylakandur_nach_lasik_1After Lasek operation

After the operation the patient will be given a few minutes to rest and relax. They can go to the hotel and rest once examined by Leyla Kandur, M.D. The eyes may be sensitive to light for four days after the operation. It is normal to have blurred vision, tearing and burning in the eyes during the first 2 days. We will provide eye pads to be used in the first few nights. The patient will be reexamined the next day after the operation. They should remove the protective lenses on the fourth day after the operation.


After Lasek treatment, the patient will be using eye drops for 1-2 months. Generally, the patient can continue daily activities in only a few days after the operation. They will be given a detailed information leaflet that includes the list of all activities and the time when they can start these activities.